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The body works according to a special pattern/procedure and if you know and take this into account, you can do a lot for yourself and your health.

It starts in the cell. If our cells are impermeable and rigid, nutrients can only get into the cell in fractions and the same way with the pollutants in the cell. These can only escape slowly - or almost not at all. So the most important point is that you first look at how the cell fluidity is and change it back to the positive. 

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the process or the individual products. 

Feel free to contact me directly - to find your personal path.

Hello DNA

Get the key to your body and it can show you important insights in the areas of fitness, weight, nutrition, detoxification, epigenetics and your biological age.

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A very special invention of Nikola Tesla is the therapeutic

Use of alternating current in the form of the so-called high-frequency healing device. It can activate vital vibrations in the body.

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